Use case: SDI Status Dashboard

Susan's goal

Susan is a member of the team whose responsibility is to monitor the functionality of the critical components of the national SDI of country X (NSDI-X). She's working in a facility which maintains a live dashboard of the online services belonging to the NSDI-X containing the current status and online availability history of all the SDI components. Her main task during her work shift at the dashboard is to record any abnormalities noticed in the NSDI components and take appropriate action based on the criticality of the components to the functionality of the whole SDI.

Status information

  • There are hundreds of individual monitored components in the NSDI-X, each maintained by national and regional level authorities or private companies responsible of parts of the key national digital infrastructure.
  • All the services included in the NSDI-X must be OGC compliant, and provide the OGC OWS QoS metadata.
  • The SDI Status Dashboard receives response time and status information about each monitored service from an underlying monitoring system based on monitoring requests operations executed using standards compliant OGC WxS requests every 5 minutes.
  • The SDI Status Dashboard system contains information about the inter-dependencies of the different SDI components, including
    • cascading service configurations which rely on other services to be available,
    • service processing chains, which combine the results of several services to produce a final result,
    • high-priority web and mobile applications for both public authorities and general public, which rely on one or more background services to provide the data required for calculating and displaying contextual (in time and space) information to the end-users.
  • The SDI Dashboard keeps an up-to-date copy of the OWS QoS information contained in the capabilities document of each of the monitored service. This information includes:
    • Announced regular and on-time service downtime (regular service maintenance windows, normal operating hours etc.).
    • Minimum expected service availability percentage over time.
    • Maximum expected response times for defined set of operations with declared request parameter limitations.
  • By correlating the live monitoring data with the QoS metadata the SDI Dashboard is able to determine at any moment in time
    • if each component is functional according to it's declared QoS information and the received monitoring results,
    • if a non-functional component is expected to be functional, and if not, when it's expected to be functional again,
  • By correlating the inter-dependency graphs with the availability of the individual SDI components the SDI Dashboard is able to show the root causes of the reported problems in the service quality of those components.

-- IlkkaRinne - 13 Jul 2016
Topic revision: r2 - 13 Jul 2016, IlkkaRinne
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