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This is the primary place for collaborative discussion and information sharing on the OGC netCDF Uncertainty Conventions (netCDF-U) Discussion Paper. NetCDF -U introduces a set of conventions for managing uncertainty information within the netCDF classic (also known as netCDF3) data model and format.

The main mechanism for modeling uncertainty in netCDF-U files consists of annotating the netCDF data variables with uncertainty-related semantics based on the Uncertainty Markup Language (UncertML) dictionary. The netCDF-U Conventions are applicable to data encoded in the netCDF3 format. Limitations may apply, as regards compliance with conflicting conventions (note that a netCDF dataset may be compliant with multiple conventions). The netCDF-U Conventions are designed to be fully compatible with the netCDF Climate and Forecast Conventions (netCDF-CF), the de-facto standard for much of the data in the Fluid Earth Science community.

This topic may overlap with other OGC standards that make use of the netCDF3 data format, in particular the netCDF Encoding Format Extension of the Web Coverage Service Interface Standard. In addition, it may have implications for future OGC standards work directed at communicating geospatial data provenance and uncertainty in contexts other than netCDF.

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Topic revision: 09 Oct 2013, LorenzoBigagli
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