OGC Ocean/Meteo/Hydro Water Cycle Summit,

Wednesday 21-September-2011, Boulder Colorado USA

Press Release: http://www.opengeospatial.org/event/1109omh

Agenda (opening slides)

1) Welcome, Introduction to OGC, and WMO collaboration (D. Arctur) 9-9:15am

2) Keynote: whole water cycle, general requirements to information exchange (D. Maidment) 9:15-9:50

3) Hydro DWG Intro: purpose, activities and use cases (Ulrich Looser, Peter Fitch, Ilya Zaslavsky) 9:50-10:15

4) MetOcean DWG Intro: purpose, activities and use cases (Marie-Françoise Voidrot, Frédéric Guillaud) 10:15-10:40

tea break (10:40-10:50)

5) Outline for the rest of the day (scene setting talks and breakouts): 10:50-11:00

6) Scene setting talks: introducing agency and academic perspectives on needs and challenges of information exchange in the hydro-meteo-oceans domains. 11:00 - 12:00 Lunch 12-1pm

7) Scene setting talks, continued 1:00 - 2:20pm 8) Breakout groups, to discuss needs, challenges and standardization priorities (2:20-4pm)
  • Breakout 1: Working together: an experiment to achieve interoperability across the water cycle - Developing ideas for a cross-domain IE.
  • Breakout 2: Earth Cube - coordinating a response to the call for use cases, research scenarios, challenges and architecture patterns across earth science domains
  • Breakout 3: How can I understand you? Addressing semantic issues between the meteorology, oceans and hydrology communities
  • Breakout 4: Data quality, provenance, metadata, uncertainty and trust issues across domains.
9) A plenary session, with breakout groups reporting, and general discussion: 4:00-5:00pm

Containing folder for all presentations linked above is here: Meeting Reports Folder for Boulder TC

-- IlyaZaslavsky - 15 Sep 2011

-- DavidArctur - 28 Sep 2011

I Attachment Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
Agenda_watercycle_summit_TC_Boudler.pptppt Agenda_watercycle_summit_TC_Boudler.ppt manage 375 K 20 Sep 2011 - 23:00 IlyaZaslavsky Agenda for the Oceans/Meteo/Hydro Water Cycle Summit, Sept 21, 2011
This topic: HydrologyDWG > WebHome > BoulderTc2011Summit
Topic revision: 28 Sep 2011, DavidArctur
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