Service Offerings from ERDAS

Due to time constraints, ERDAS will provide access to the Australian Demo server hosted in Perth for the event. Please do not use the install on the App5 VM as it has not been configured

This has had the benefit of being able to provide additional contextual datasets that may be useful for other participants.

  • A possible workflow for ERDAS APOLLO
1. Harvest a Coverage service from a participant
2. Discover the coverage layers using the CSW web client
3. Add the coverage layers to an input of an as-yet unknown WPS
4. Execute process and visualise the reponse in another participants WMS web client

  • A possible workflow for ERDAS APOLLO to highlight user SLD's
1. Add a coverage dataset
2. Use the SLD creation GUI to define own cartographic colormap style
3. Submit and visualise the result, tailored to the user's spec

  • Use an elevation analysis WPS for complementing Tasmanian water flow / planning SOS analysis?
1. Select an SRTM elevation tile
2. Use the tile as input to the aspect and slope WPS
3. ....?

OGC Web Client

  • Integrated CSW Search tab for data discovery
  • Manual binding to service endpoints through the Browse tab
  • Open / Save Context files
  • Once logged in, Process tab for executing WPS spatial models
  • Server or User SLD creation/switching. Add a layer to the map, expand the layer options, click the configure button and then follow the Styles>New GUI for full Feature and Coverage restyling
  • Filter tabs for WFS typenames. Use Filter tab to build up a Filter Encoding request to either filter or find data that meets the input criteria
  • Edit tab for WFS-T enabled typenames.
  • Client and server reprojection

WPS 1.0.0

Service Notes:
  • Currently only some basic models have been provided. Any ideas on further models that would be useful for the CCIP event would be gladly recieved!
  • WPS engine accepts WCS as data inputs. Unfortunately due to some compatibility problems with some other participants, i have not been able to do fully qualified WCS chaining from Lat/lon for example but will work toward this target for the event. *

Example Queries:


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<wps:Execute service="WPS" version="1.0.0" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:wps="">
  <ows:Identifier>IMAGINE SMS:Altitude_Colour_Painted_Relief</ows:Identifier>
        <wps:LiteralData dataType="string">30</wps:LiteralData>
        <wps:LiteralData dataType="complex">;bbox=139.99958381761098%2C%20-40.000416594033595%2C%20145.00041715094432%2C%20-34.99958326070026&amp;request=GetCoverage&amp;width=1000&amp;height=1000&amp;version=1.0.0&amp;service=WCS&amp;srs=EPSG%3A4326&amp;crs=EPSG%3A4326&amp;format=GeoTIFF&amp;</wps:LiteralData>
        <wps:LiteralData dataType="string">345</wps:LiteralData>
        <wps:LiteralData dataType="string">40</wps:LiteralData>
        <wps:LiteralData dataType="string">0</wps:LiteralData>
    <wps:ResponseDocument storeExecuteResponse="true" status="true" lineage="true">
      <wps:Output asReference="false" mimeType="application/x-eaim-dataset-reference">


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<wps:ExecuteResponse service="WPS" version="1.0.0" xml:lang="en" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:wps="" xmlns="" serviceInstance="" statusLocation="">
  <wps:Process wps:processVersion="1">
    <ows:Identifier>IMAGINE SMS:Slopes_Less_Than_Value_LL</ows:Identifier>
    <ows:Title>Highlight Slopes Less Than a Defined Angle (LatLon)</ows:Title>
    <ows:Abstract>This process uses a DEM (in Latitude/Longitude, such as DTED data), calculates the slope angles and then uses a customer-entered cutoff angle (defined in degrees) to produce a mask showing areas that have slopes less than or greater than the cutoff.
You will also need to enter the approximate x,y pixel size of the DEM in meters (such as 30)
Areas less than or equal to the cutoff will be semi-transparent green, areas higher than the cutoff will be semi-transparent red.
The DEM must have its height values measured in meters</ows:Abstract>
  <wps:Status creationTime="2009-10-05T03:46:27Z">
        <wps:LiteralData dataType="complex">;bbox=114.99958335753763%2C%20-35.000416666676756%2C%20120.00041669087096%2C%20-29.999583333343423&amp;request=GetCoverage&amp;width=1000&amp;height=1000&amp;version=1.0.0&amp;service=WCS&amp;srs=EPSG%3A4326&amp;crs=EPSG%3A4326&amp;format=GeoTIFF&amp;</wps:LiteralData>
        <wps:LiteralData dataType="string">10</wps:LiteralData>
        <wps:LiteralData dataType="string">30</wps:LiteralData>
    <wps:Output asReference="false">
        <wps:StructuredData dataType="application/x-eaim-dataset-reference">

Process Output Display

CSW 2.0.2

Service Notes:
  • Please us the following credentials when challenged, login: ccip password: ccip otherwise you will not get all of the coverage datasets granted to the ccip user
  • Catalog has been populated with the other service offerings from other participants where supported and also includes many, many other Australian OWS from Government and Private organisations. If there are any services not available, please contact me so i can harvest them
  • We do not support harvesting SOS or WCS 1.1 POST services so not all offerings will be available via the querying interface
  • There is a simple catalog frontend available at which includes a REST querying frontend

Sample Queries (more coming..):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<GetRecords xmlns=""
            version="1.0.0" service="CSW-ebRIM"
            outputSchema="EBRIM" resultType="results"
            maxRecords="100" startPosition="1">
<Query typeNames="Service">
  <ElementSetName typeNames="Service">full</ElementSetName>
  <Constraint version="1.0.0">
    <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="">

  • Query multiple slot elements within a spatial constraint
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<csw:GetRecords xmlns:csw=""
                version="1.0.0" resultType="RESULTS"
                outputSchema="EBRIM" service="CSW-ebRIM">
    <csw:Query typeNames="ExtrinsicObject">
        <ElementSetName typeNames="ExtrinsicObject">full</ElementSetName>
                            <gml:coordinates>-180.,-90. 180.,90.</gml:coordinates>

WCS 1.0.0 / WMS 1.3

Service Notes:
  • Please us the following credentials when challenged, login: ccip password: ccip
  • Includes the raw data provided by BOM and also,
  • The SRTM DEM tiles for Australia
  • Contextual Climate change processed output in ECW (Trying to source metadata for these, but they are outdated)

WFS 1.1

Service Notes:
  • The typename "timeseries" is the yearly point mean summer/winter dataset provided by BOM
  • Various public domain datasources, including OSM and Census demographic datasets. Demographics may be potentially useful in flooding scenario?

-- ChrisTweedie - 05 Oct 2009

I Attachment Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
csw-discovery-and-point-querying.wmvwmv csw-discovery-and-point-querying.wmv manage 6 MB 12 Oct 2009 - 11:13 ChrisTweedie BOM CSW discovery and time series comparison
esk-slope-wps-execution.wmvwmv esk-slope-wps-execution.wmv manage 6 MB 12 Oct 2009 - 11:12 ChrisTweedie esk-wps-slope-analysis
Topic revision: r5 - 12 Oct 2009, GregBuehler
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