Minutes of Telecon 27 June 2011


  • Nick Bearson(SSEC)
  • John Schattel (NWS)
  • Ben Domenico (NCAR)
  • Michael Weis (IBL)
  • Matthias Mueller (Univ Dresden)
  • Frederic Guillaud & Marie-Francoise Voidrot (Meteo-France)
  • and for 5 minutes at beginning Chris Little (UK Met Office)

Proposed Agenda :

1 Met OCean WMS Best Practices first draft on Time handling

2 Others

3 Next Telcon

1) Met OCean WMS Best Practices first draft on Time handling

Marie-Francoise has provided the Document attached to this page as a working document to illustrate the way to improve towards a Met Ocean WMS Best Profile document taking the time handling issue. This document synthesize the previous exchanges from meetings and teleconfs into general background information on a white background, pending questions on a yellow background and a proposal of phrasing praragraph by paragraph but only focusing on the time handling. As it has been decided to make a Best Profile documents sticking to the WMS1.3 spec, this last document is taken has a very first reference of work. For each paragraph into the spec that refers to time a paragraph is proposed to stand into the BP first draft.

The teleconf is dedicated to revue the document provided.

The name of the dimension for setting the Run of the model can be of ANALYSIS_TIME or RUN_BASE_TIME. It will be confirmed after Jeremy Tandy's validation if this concept is the same as the ANALYSIS_TIME defined into the modelling works. (Marie-Francoise has sent him an email just after the telco).

Michal wonders if multiplevalues are relevant for time or the ANALYSIS_TIME. It could be a way to request animations or animations of different runs for a specific time.

The problem of incomplete data cube is raised again : all combinations of analysis_time and time are not available. Maybe we have to provide metadata attached to the service to describe the catalogue of products which is served.

Ben says that O&M2.0 doesn't solve the issue of collection of observations.

Another dimenssion is needed to request a period of accumulation for precipitations, water waves...

At this stage there can be several solutions of implementations good for different purposes. Interoperability doesn't mean identity : the BP can offer several solutions for one issue if there are not to many , they are described and they have differents interests.

The aim of the document provided was to illustrate the process of work that is suggested and anyone can contribute to enrich the doc on a new issue, use cases and examples of implementations or phrasing of paragraphs for the final doc. The BP will be efficient if it provides a lot of use cases and examples of implementations attached to them.

2) Others

Chris participated for some minutes to the teleconf and mentioned that he has met in a GIS Conference in Nottingham people that volunteer to review the Best Practices when they will be available. He will provide their references.

3) Next telco

In order to push the works before the summer a teleconf will take place next monday same time. The agenda will be either improvements on the phrasing on the time handling or the review of a first synthesis on the naming of the layers based on the previous works and the Inspire doc issued last week.

It's a national day in the US. Minutes will be made available on the twiki

MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez - 27 Jun 2011

I Attachment Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
Met_Ocean_Profile_Handling_Time_synthesis.docdoc Met_Ocean_Profile_Handling_Time_synthesis.doc manage 76 K 27 Jun 2011 - 14:41 MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez Working draft of Met Ocean WMS Best Practices on Time handling
This topic: MetOceanDWG > WebHome > MetOcWMSBPMinutes > MetOceanWMSBP20110627
Topic revision: 11 Jul 2011, MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez
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