
There are a number of hotels in the vicinity of the Federal Institute of Hydrology which are shown on the this map

Or try your favourite accommodation booking portal such as, HRS or Airbnb Please make your reservations soon, as Koblenz is a favourite tourist destination during the summer months.

Meeting Location

The workshop will be held at the "Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde" (BfG), Federal Institute of Hydrology.

Street address is: Am Mainzer Tor 1, 56068 Koblenz, Conference rooms on second floor.

The main entrance is in the building on the left hand side (east, towards the Rhine River)


Internet will be available in the meeting rooms. We are working on a solution to have remote connectivity.

Lunch Options

There is a canteen on the premises with reasonable food at reasonable prices. We try to provide refreshments during the breaks.

Dinner Options

Numerous locations in Koblenz: Check the Internet at Tripadvisor or comparable or ask the locals.

Things to do

Koblenz offers numerous attractions. It is a favourite tourist destination located at the confluence of the Rhine and Mosel rivers within the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Upper Middle Rhine Valley". Apart from visiting some interesting spots in town, take a trip with the cable car across the Rhine to the Fortress Ehrenbreitstein for a stunning view of the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers called "Deutsches Eck". Enjoy a boat trip and/or the world famous wines from Rhine and Moselle vineyards.

Group Dinner

A Group Dinner sponsored by the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) is scheduled for Thursday 16 June 2016 at 18:45. The location will be the Restaurant "SauBar" at Münzstraße 16A . -- UlrichLooser - 04 Mar 2016

This topic: HydrologyDWG > WebHome > WorkshopKoblenz2016 > WorkshopLogistics
Topic revision: 09 Jun 2016, UlrichLooser
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