Get an Observation at a location

This use case is to get an observation at a specific location. There is a nice BBOX example in OGC 06-009r6 ( that I have adapted to our situation


   service="SOS" version="1.0.0" srsName="EPSG:4326">
            <gml:lowerCorner>-79 44</gml:lowerCorner>
            <gml:upperCorner>-78 45</gml:upperCorner>
   <sos:responseFormat>text/xml; subtype=&quot;om/1.0.0&quot;</sos:responseFormat>
   <sos:resultModel xmlns:wml="">wml:WaterMonitoringObservation</sos:resultModel>

This asks for all Observation of offering "urn:GIN:offering:groundwaterLevel:1" where the Observed property is urn:ogc:def:property:OGC:GroundWaterLevel where the location of the wml:WaterMonitoringObservation is within -90,45,-89,46.

Interesting note, the srsName is not on the property, but on the root tag (GetObservation)


From the mock up service I implemented on GIN


  • The BBOX request uses the featureOfInterest to constrains the location, which means that the client must have a prior knowledge of what feature is of interest and what is the schema of that feature. Which is a problem. Right now, I'm ignoring the property.

Implementation in a WMS:GetFeatureInfo context

To query data in a GetFeatureInfo context, we must convert the pixel based request into a real world coordinate.

The simplest way is to create a proxy service that get the GetFeatureInfo, rewrite it in terms of SOS BBOX above and route it to the SOS service.

A GetFeatureInfo query looks like VERSION=1.1.1 &FORMAT=image%2Fpng &LAYERS=OntarioWaterWell &SERVICE=WMS &REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo &STYLES= &EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_xml &TRANSPARENT=TRUE &SRS=EPSG%3A4326 &BBOX=-90.151733,48.078798,-89.55857,48.519867 &X=416&Y=224 &INFO_FORMAT=text%2Fhtml &QUERY_LAYERS=OntarioWaterWell &WIDTH=780 &HEIGHT=580

There is basically all the same info than a WMS GetMap request (because the response might want to draw the map along with the data). The important bits are

&BBOX=-90.151733,48.078798,-89.55857,48.519867 (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) &X=416&Y=224 &WIDTH=780 &HEIGHT=580

The real world location can easily be calculated with

  • nx = (x / width) * (maxx - minx) + minx
  • ny = ((height - y) / height) * (maxy - miny) + miny (note that Y axis in pixel is downward)

With this, you can easier rewrite the BBOX request above.

-- EricBoisvert - 25 Nov 2009

This topic: HydrologyDWG > WebHome > GroundwaterInteroperabilityExperiment > ExperimentUseCaseDiscussion > GetObservationAtLocation
Topic revision: 01 Dec 2009, EricBoisvert
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