Non Country Bound Geographic Area Listings

The current OneGeology profile requires service layers/coverages/feature types define their geographic location according to the UN country code (and region) lists, but it is recognized, especially in the light that the portal will now accept data from non Geological Survey Organizations (GSO) whose data may not fall within a single country, or even may be outside any country limits, that other ways of defining geographic areas would be useful.

Please add examples of areas that could be used to describe location below

Sea areas and regions

Other Georeferencing schema

These examples might represent areas too small to be included in the portal, unless perhaps we take papers describing explicit locations (holotype locations) for example: squishiest.bestows.jousting could be used to describe the holotype of ikaite.

-- JamesPassmore - 17 Jun 2015

This topic: GeoSciMLswg > WebHome > TucsonFace2FaceJune2014 > OneGeology20140701Minutes > OneGeologyTechnicalImplementationGroup26thMay2015LNEGLisbonPortugal > NonCountryBoundGeographicAreaListings
Topic revision: 17 Jun 2015, JamesPassmore
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